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Multi Asset
We specialise in building and managing outcome-focused strategies for clients, combining a range of asset classes to deliver specific objectives.
Multi Asset at Fidelity
We have been successfully managing multi asset portfolios on behalf of clients across the globe since the 1980s. Our approach is underpinned by deep experience and expertise in strategic asset allocation, tactical asset allocation and manager selection. Our investment team is located across Europe and Asia and structured to ensure specialist coverage across a full range of areas and disciplines.
Competitive advantages
Outcome-focused approach
We aim to build investment solutions that meet a client need, are efficient in terms of risk, cost and complexity, are innovative and can adapt to evolving needs and changing markets.
Research-driven process
One of our most powerful advantages is the scope and power of Fidelity’s proprietary research. This runs through the design, asset allocation and strategy selection to deliver value for our clients.
Global implementation
We utilise various asset classes to meet client outcomes; combining the characteristics of equities and fixed income asset classes, as well as listed real estate, commodities and alternatives.
Risk-controlled delivery
Risk-controlled delivery captures the upside and controls the downside. Our portfolio managers measure, balance and control risk. Multiple layers of oversight include internal and external monitoring.
Risk warnings
- Changes in currency exchange rates may affect the value of investments in overseas markets.
- Investments in emerging markets can be more volatile than other more developed markets.
- The value of bonds is influenced by movements in interest rates and bond yields. If interest rates and so bond yields rise, bond prices tend to fall, and vice versa. The price of bonds with a longer lifetime until maturity is generally more sensitive to interest rate movements than those with a shorter lifetime to maturity. The risk of default is based on the issuer's ability to make interest payments and to repay the loan at maturity. Default risk may therefore vary between different government issuers as well as between different corporate issuers.
- Private assets strategies do not offer any guarantee or protection with respect to return, capital preservation, stable net asset value or volatility. These strategies may invest in private or less liquid assets, which can be difficult to sell. As a result, it may be that investors are not able to redeem their investments when they want to.
- A focus on securities of companies which maintain strong environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) credentials may result in a return that at times compares unfavourably to similar products without such focus. No representation nor warranty is made with respect to the fairness, accuracy or completeness of such credentials. The status of a security's ESG credentials can change over time.
- Investors should note that the views expressed may no longer be current and may have already been acted upon.
Important information
This is a marketing communication. This information must not be reproduced or circulated without prior permission. This information is intended for professional clients only and not a suitable basis for the general public or private investors.
Fidelity only offers information on products and services and does not provide investment advice based on individual circumstances, other than when specifically stipulated by an appropriately authorised firm, in a formal communication with the client.
Fidelity International refers to the group of companies which form the global investment management organisation that provides information on products and services in designated jurisdictions outside of North America. This communication is not directed at and must not be acted upon by persons inside the United States and is otherwise only directed at persons residing in jurisdictions where the relevant funds are authorised for distribution or where no such authorisation is required. It is your responsibility to ensure that any service, security, investment, fund or product outlined is available in your jurisdiction before any approach is made to Fidelity International.
Unless otherwise stated all products and services are provided by Fidelity International, and all views expressed are those of Fidelity International. Fidelity, Fidelity International, the Fidelity International logo and the "F symbol" are trademarks of FIL Limited and are used with its permission. FIL stands for FIL Limited (FIL) and its respective affiliates.
This material may contain materials from third parties which are supplied by companies that are not affiliated with any Fidelity entity (Third-Party Content). Fidelity has not been involved in the preparation, adoption or editing of such third-party materials and does not explicitly or implicitly endorse or approve such content. Fidelity International is not responsible for any errors or omissions relating to specific information provided by third parties.
Any performance disclosure is not compliant with German regulations regarding retail clients and must therefore not be handed out to these.
Investments should be made on the basis of the current sales prospectus and the Key Information Document (KID). These documents as well as the current annual and semi-annual reports are available free of charge from, or can be requested free of charge from FIL Investment Services GmbH, Postfach 20 02 37, 60606 Frankfurt am Main (professional investors and trade partners) and FIL Finance Services GmbH, Postfach 200237, 60606 Frankfurt/Main (pension clients) or via
For German Wholesale clients issued by FIL Investment Services GmbH, Kastanienhöhe 1, 61476 Kronberg im Taunus. For German Institutional clients issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A., 2a, rue Albert Borschette BP 2174 L-1021 Luxembourg. For German Pension clients issued by FIL Finance Services GmbH, Kastanienhöhe 1, 61476 Kronberg im Taunus.
Investors/ potential investors can obtain information on their respective rights regarding complaints and litigation in English here: Complaints handling policy ( and in German here: Beschwerdemanagement (
The information above includes disclosure requirements of the fund’s management company according to Regulation (EU) 2019/1156.
Unless stated differently, information dated as of August 2023.