For illustrative purposes only.
Source: Fidelity International, April 2024.
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Access opportunities across the world’s major Private-Market asset classes.
Contact usPrivate Markets offer differentiated sources of income and capital returns relative to the traditional asset classes. They can also provide diversification benefits when included within broad asset allocation strategies. As such, they are vital for clients looking to enhance the risk-adjusted return potential and overall quality of their investment portfolios.
Access to these markets is being democratised by regulatory developments, technological advances and the break-down of liquidity barriers. As a result, they are presenting attractive opportunities to a greater range of investors than ever before.
We have spent several years growing our Private Market capabilities through significant investments in both people and technology. This ensures that we can provide solutions that incorporate exposures from across the full spectrum of private asset markets, including our own in-house capabilities and those of third-party providers, allowing us to meet our clients’ needs as they evolve over time. To do so, we draw upon our extensive expertise in investment selection and portfolio construction, established over several decades investing in public markets.
Our capabilities span syndicated loans, structured credit and direct lending, with a focus on alpha generation via rigorous credit analysis and dynamic portfolio construction.
Established in 2006, our Real Estate capabilities span several geographies and strategies, including core, core+, value add, and impact investing.
We can identify and facilitate access to solutions across the Private Equity sub-asset classes for a wide range of investors.
For illustrative purposes only.
Source: Fidelity International, April 2024.
Today’s investment environment poses significant challenges to asset allocators that are looking for diversified sources of value, but Private Markets can help them meet their objectives. Find out how in our white paper.
Read moreFor illustrative purposes only.
Source: Fidelity International, H1 2024 capital market assumptions. Asset classes modelled: US$ cash, global IG bonds, global HY bonds, emerging market hard currency debt, global commodities, global REITs, global equities, global government bonds, and buyout, direct lending, and real estate on the private assets side. Constraints for each asset class set from 0% minimum allocation to 50% maximum allocation, and a joint constraint on private asset classes of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% respectively for the four curves.
For illustrative purposes only. There is no guarantee that investment objectives can or will be achieved. The relative return and risk characteristics of the strategies are illustrative only and not meant to definitively represent the relative risk and return of these strategies, which may vary.
Source: Fidelity International, April 2024.
Our dedicated Multi Asset Private Asset (MAPA) investment team aims to deliver on a range of client outcomes via solutions that incorporate assets from private markets globally. This team can invest across all major private asset classes through primaries, secondaries and co-investment opportunities. This is achieved through a variety of internal and external private equity, private credit, and real estate vehicles.
Expert investors within the team use their specialist knowledge to select best-in-class managers. The team then applies a diligent approach to portfolio construction that considers risk, return and liquidity requirements. This multi-asset, multi-manager approach maximises the opportunity set, enhancing portfolio diversification potential through the market cycle.
Source: Fidelity International, July 2024.
Source: Fidelity International, July 2024.
Our approach to integrating sustainability considerations within Private Asset solutions mirrors that of Fidelity’s broader principles of ESG integration. The key difference between our approaches across public and private markets relates to sell discipline, given the relatively illiquid nature of private markets. We take a long-term view consistent with the typical investment horizon of investors within the asset class, engaging with general partners to encourage the improvement of sustainability characteristics and behaviours.
Source: Fidelity International, July 2024.
Environmental, social and governance trends present investors with some of the most meaningful risks and opportunities across Private Markets. Read about how we are managing and capturing these by building sustainability into Private Market portfolios.
Read moreKatie Roberts - Head of Client Solutions
Signs are emerging that European real estate may have reached a bottom and is about to embark on a period of growth. But the next cycle is likely to be very different.
The value of offices in the UK market has been falling steadily since the beginning of 2020, even as rental demand for the most attractive, greenest buildings has been growing.
When thinking about making buildings more sustainable, often the focus is on the items that are being installed: solar panels, efficient lighting, upgraded heating and cooling systems.
If you are a professional investor and would like to know more about investing in Private Assets with Fidelity, please get in touch via the link below:
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Unless stated differently, information dated as of July 2024